Subdividing Land

The District Plan contains specific rules for subdividing land or buildings.

In order to subdivide you will first need to engage the services of a surveyor. You may also need to seek advice from an accountant, solicitor, real estate agent, architect, valuer and a suitably qualified and experienced engineer.

One of the first things you will need to do if you are thinking about subdividing a property is to check the subdivision rules in the District Plan. 

These rules relate to such things as: 

  • minimum allotment sizes
  • whether the property can be or needs to be serviced with roads, water supply, sewerage, and stormwater disposal
  • whether suitable building platform(s) exist (with no flooding or stability hazards)
  • whether the proposal meets other planning requirements (such as the need for existing buildings to be a minimum distance from the boundary)
  • whether the proposal creates additional users on a right of way
  • whether the property is affected by areas or items of value or importance to the community that have been identified on the planning maps, such as identified sites of cultural significance.

Generally your surveyor will cover all of these things for you, and will also prepare and submit your subdivision application to the Council on your behalf.

For more information on the fees associated with subdivision consents see our Fees and Charges.

Minimum lot sizes

 Zone  Size

Residential Zone


1000m2 in the Otamatea Development Overlay

Rural Production Zone

Minimum 10 hectares or 5000m2 to 1 hectare for allotments subject to District Plan Rule 3.4.2 (c)

Rural Lifestyle Zone

Minimum 5000m2 (0.5 hectare)

Rural General Zone

10,000m2 (1 hectare)

Rural Settlement Zone


Coastal Residential Zone


Arts and Commerce Zone


Riverfront Zone


Central Commercial Zone


Outer Commercial Zone


Neighbourhood Commercial Zone


Manufacturing Zone


Note: Where no minimum lot size is specified, allotments need to be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate an activity that is appropriate for the zone.