Ingestre Street trial roundabout

Ingestre St roundabout

A trial roundabout has been installed at the intersection of Ingestre Street and Wicksteed Street, similar to the modified road layout recently established at the Guyton-Wicksteed streets intersection.

The trial layout for the Ingestre-Wicksteed streets roundabout includes radiating “splinter islands” (which resemble small speed humps), new road markings and upgraded give-way sign traffic islands at all four approaches to the roundabout.

The reason for this trial roundabout

The Ingestre-Wicksteed streets intersection is on the fringe of the CBD and attracts high volumes of vehicle and pedestrian movements.

The intersection is also a known collision area. This is attributed to the intersection being situated on the brow of a hill and limited sightlines for vehicle users caused by parked vehicles – in the past, both of these factors reduced visibility for motorists using the intersection when entering from either side of Wicksteed Street.

There have been 11 reported crashes at this intersection in the past five years, three of which involved injury. This data does not include near-misses or unreported crashes that are anecdotally known to occur.

The objective of the trial is to improve safety at the intersection for vehicle users and pedestrians, and reduce collisions.

Advantages of the trial configuration

The radiating splinter islands are a tangible and audible reminder to vehicle users to reduce speed while going around the roundabout when using the intersection – they are also intended to discourage vehicles from “straight-lining” the roundabout.

Trial period

The Ingestre Street trial roundabout will be in place for up to two years while the effects / benefits are assessed, or until a decision is made on an alternative configuration for this intersection. The trial roundabout is removable and more economical than installing concrete or asphalt alternatives.