Play is essential for the healthy development of tamariki, ensuring they have the best possible start in life. It also contributes to the wellbeing of their whānau, and to happier, healthier, safer and more connected communities.
Recognising the importance of play, Whanganui District Council, along with our many partners in Play, are committed to ensuring Whanganui is a playful city for every child and their whānau.
Tākaro – Play Trailer

Have a community event coming up? The Tākaro Play Trailer is a free resource for the Whanganui community, to promote play and support healthy communities.
The play trailer is filled with a wide range of play equipment, including tug-of war, giant jenga, kites, parachute, balls, backyard cricket, building blocks and much more.
The trailer is a partnership between Whanganui District Council, Sport Whanganui and the YMCA, made possible via the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund.
Please note: All bookings are liable for any damages to the trailer or equipment. Weekend bookings require the trailer to be picked up from Sport Whanganui on Fridays and dropped back on Mondays. For more information, please contact Finn Boyle on 027 220 2984 or via email.
Book the Play Trailer
Procedures and conditions
Before using the play trailer, please read and agree to the following procedure and conditions:
- All relevant information and hire forms will be returned to and confirmed by a Whanganui District Council or Sport Whanganui staff member prior to pick-up of the trailer.
- Trailer bookings must be made a minimum of three (3) days prior to hire date(s) (unless a shorter lead in period is approved). Maximum time of hire of trailer is 1 week. Earliest cancellation of booking is preferred where practical.
- An appointment (between 9am - 4pm weekdays) is to be made for the pick-up and return of the trailer at Sport Whanganui, located at 226 London Street, Springvale Park. The trailer must be picked up and returned by the individual/group making the booking. Please allow time for an inventory check with a Sport Whanganui staff member at the time of pick-up and drop-off.
- The hirer is responsible for looking after the trailer and equipment during their hire period. This includes ensuring the trailer is fully locked and secured at all times when not in use. Ensuring all equipment must be within the trailer prior to locking. And ensuring the trailer is parked on a level surface to prevent roll back.
- In the event of the trailer or any equipment being lost, stolen or damaged, including beyond repair, the hirer will be responsible for any repair and/or replacement costs.
- The hirer is responsible for any injuries or incidents to persons using the play trailer, and any first aid procedures. A basic first aid kit is provided in the trailer.
- All incidents relating to the trailer, equipment, and persons are to be reported to Whanganui District Council using the Incident Report Form which will be provided to hirers prior to use.
- The person responsible for towing the trailer must use a roadworthy vehicle which would achieve a WoF and registration on the day of hirage, and agrees to comply with all NZ laws as specified in the NZ road code. Drivers should have experience towing a trailer and must show a valid and full drivers licence at the time of pick-up.
- A list of the play trailer contents is provided with the trailer. It is the responsibility of the group / individual hiring to ensure all equipment is returned with the trailer. The hirer will be responsible for any equipment repair / replacement costs, as per section 5.
- All equipment is to be returned clean and tidy. Cleaning supplies are provided.
- The trailer may not be used if there is a change in community Covid-19 levels during the hireage period unless prior approval is granted.
- To help grow play across Whanganui and ensure the trailer remains a valuable community resource, we ask that groups hiring the trailer provide the following information following their event:
- A photograph(s) of your event using the trailer. (With permission, photographs may be used by Council and Sport Whanganui for purposes related to play.)
- A short blurb of your experience using the play trailer, including an insight on play or example of a positive impact that has resulted through the use of the play trailer.
- Add a piece of play. We ask that groups add an additional piece of play to the trailer for our community to enjoy. This could be a conventional piece of sports equipment or something for our loose parts or creative play collection. In addition to keeping the trailer free to use, this helps to bring new play ideas into our play journey.
The Great Whanganui Play Trail
The Great Whanganui Play Trail is as long, or short, as you want it to be. This is a fantastic way for families to get out, get active, explore the city and make new discoveries.
You can follow the map, take your time, skip some spots, find new ones, make up new games along the way… There is only one rule for the Great Whanganui Play Trail, and it’s a very serious and important rule: you absolutely, definitely must have fun!
Download the map(PDF, 2MB)