Request a property file

You can request information on a property including drainage plans, building consents, Code Compliance Certificates (CCC) and more.

Confidential and secure property files including banks, police stations, courthouses, schools and hospitals require a LGOIMA – please email for these types of requests.


Step 1.Before you start

You will need to create a RealMe account to access the Council’s online application form. This will allow you to log in to Online Services website where you can complete the application form.

You will also need:

  • Address / location of the property

Step 2.Apply online

Visit Online Services


Email us at Please include your contact details and specific information about the property file information you require.

In person

Visit Council Customer Services at 101 Guyton Street, Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5.00pm to request a digital copy of your property file.

The information contained in each property file varies and we cannot guarantee the information you are looking for will be in a property file. A file may include some of the following:

  • Building consent applications
  • Drainage plans
  • Plans and specifications
  • Code Compliance Certificates (CCC)
  • Planning reports
  • Resource Consent Decisions

For security reasons, there are certain property files that require the owner’s written permission for release such as Banks and Government Buildings etc.

Note: the information provided does not constitute a Land Information Memorandum.

If you require a one-off electronic copy of a specific document for instance, if a building consent has been applied for in the past, we may hold a floor plan or drainage plan for the property.

This is a free service but you will require an email address.

For more information please call Customer Services on (06) 349 0001.

The information supplied is made available in good faith but its accuracy is not guaranteed. Whanganui District Council accepts no liability for any error. The information provided does not constitute a Land Information Memorandum (LIM).

We are currently in the process of digitising our property files. We are steadily working our way through approximately 17,800 Property files.

A link to already scanned property files will be emailed to you within 1-3 working days. A link for unscanned property files will be emailed to you within 5-10 working days.

If for any reason we cannot meet the timeframe above we will contact you before the due date.

Property files are available free of charge.