Trade Waste

Public toilet signage

Whanganui District Council has a Trade Wastes Bylaw which applies to all trade premises within the Whanganui District that discharge their non-domestic waste into the sewarage system.

The Trade Wastes Bylaw 2018 ensures that trade waste entering the Wastewater Treatment Plant meets design performance and discharge consent conditions. The bylaw also applies to tankered waste discharged to the Council’s sewerage system.

Its purpose is to:

  • protect public health and the environment
  • protect the sewerage system infrastructure
  • protect sewerage system workers
  • ensure compliance with resource consent conditions related to the wastewater treatment plant
  • provide a basis for monitoring discharges from industry and trade premises
  • provide a basis for charging trade waste users of the sewerage system to cover the cost of conveying, treating and disposing of or reusing their wastes
  • ensure that the costs of treatment and disposal are shared fairly between trade waste and municipal dischargers
  • promote cleaner production
  • encourage waste minimisation
  • encourage water conservation.