Building services fees and charges
All fees and charges include GST unless otherwise stated
Building consents
Whanganui District Council sets its building consent fees as actual and reasonable costs for the service. These are set by the council pursuant to s219 of the Building Act 2004 and s150 of the Local Government Act 2002.
There are three types of fees, two of which relate to the types of building projects being undertaken:
- Fixed fees – these are for simple projects where the costs can be easily identified before the application is made.
- Estimated fees – these are based on anticipated costs for that particular building project. The final charge is dependent on the actual hours of staff time involved in processing the application.
- Territorial Authority fees – for services included in Territorial Authority functions.
Fixed fees
The fees for these types of consents are fixed. Additional travel time may be charged for rural consents. Fixed fees are paid at the time of issue of the building consent application. These fees include a charge from our software provider for processing every consent (currently $85).
Base fee
Stormwater separation (plus stormwater connection if applicable)
Valve vented cylinders (hot water)
Inbuilt solid fuel heaters (2 inspections)
Free-standing solid fuel heaters
Demolition / removal
Swimming pools – plastic, "para", blow-up, fibreglass, in-ground (other pools that require construction work, eg: concrete, concrete block, etc – refer to 2A minimum)
Spa pools
Temporary marquee
Schedule 1 Part 1 Clause 2 exemption
$230 (minor)
$355 (complex)
Estimated building consent fees
Building consent applications do not require a deposit and are charged fully when a building consent is granted. Fees are charged on actual and reasonable timeframes incurred by the Building Consent Authority (BCA) in receiving, processing, issuing, inspecting, certifying and managing the building consent process. This fee is currently made up of three parts:
- Administration fee – this part of the fee covers administration costs in receiving and vetting an application, data entry of application details, and scanning/digital storage charges. It also covers the cost of processing each building consent, building consent amendment and Project Information Memorandum (PIM) through our software provider’s system (currently $85).
- Processing fee – this part of the fee covers officer time in compliance assessments of plans/specifications, data entry into electronic storage portals, correspondence with applicants (requests for further information [RFI] etc.), building consent granting (including notification to other parties where required i.e. Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [MBIE] and the Registrar General of Land (LINZ) and costs incurred in generating payment invoices.
- Consent issue fee – this part of the fee covers estimated inspection requirements including the number of inspections and also the time allocated for each inspection depending on the projects complexity (failed inspections will incur extra costs for re-inspection and will be on-charged before the issue of the CCC). This fee also includes the officer time spent on compiling any associated levies applicable to the project, i.e. BRANZ, MBIE and WDC Accreditation levy.
The estimated administration fee and processing fee are payable at the conclusion of the application assessment process. At consent issue time the applicant will be required to pay the full balance of the costs that are deemed actual and reasonable by Council.
Additional charges may be made in respect to a consent that incurs further costs such as extra inspections.
Council officer hourly rates
Council officer
Hourly rate
Building manager
Team leader
Building control officer
Administration services (technical)
Technical / professional council officers
Auxiliary costs
Base fee
Administration charges
(now includes software licence fee of $85)
CCC issue
Scanning / digital storage
Included in building consent fees administration
Accreditation levy
Payable for all non-fixed fee projects
- $1.30 per $1000 (max $530)
- $1.30 per $1000 (max $800)
MBIE levy
Building work valued over $65,000 incl GST
$1.75 per $1000
BRANZ levy
Building work valued over $20,000 incl GST
$1.00 per $1000
Non-fixed fee building consents
Non-fixed fee building consents are charged at cost based on officer time involved and the hourly rates provided above, plus the auxiliary costs also listed above.
Non-fixed fee building consents
Territorial authority fees
Certificate of Acceptance
$370 + original consent cost + staff time
Certificate for Public Use
$370 + staff time
Notice to Fix fee
Building Act infringement fee
Extension of time BC / CCC
Safe and sanitary – third-party report
Building Act notifications (LINZ)
$185 (LINZ charge) + staff time
Pool barrier inspection / re-inspection
Extension of time (seismic work – general)
Extension of time (seismic work – heritage)
Exemption to undertake seismic work
Earthquake-prone buildings issue of notice
Vehicle crossing permit |
$90 |
New compliance schedule
$170 + $20 per feature
Alteration to compliance schedule
BWoF site audit / re-inspection
BWoF complete and on time
BWoF incomplete and/or late
Infrastructure bonds
Application for all building and/or resource consents in relation to demolition, removal and relocation of buildings and the construction of new buildings within the city’s urban zone.
Base fee
Non-refundable administration and inspection fee
Refundable infrastructure bond