Review of Road Naming and Numbering Policy

Submissions closed on 10 March 2024, 12:00 AM

Road Naming image.jpg

Whanganui District Council is seeking feedback on a review of the Road Naming and Numbering Policy 2018.

Following a pre-engagement survey open to the community last year, several areas were identified where the policy could be improved. The council is proposing these changes to the policy:

  • include native flora and fauna (plants and animals) to the list of naming themes
  • include a formal naming panel within the policy
  • include the ability to name parks within the Whanganui district. 


The Road Naming and Numbering Policy provides a consistent and comprehensive approach to the naming and numbering of roads in our district. 

The naming of roads, and parks, are important as they connect us to the area and environment around us by recognising key features, people and places. Road naming and numbering must also allow for easily identifiable addresses and locations for the local community and visitors, as well as private service providers and emergency responders.

As part of the policy review, we’ve identified the opportunity to broaden the themes for naming roads, formally include the road naming panel within the policy, and consider including the naming of parks and reserves in our district.

Naming criteria

The naming of roads, and parks, are important as they connect us to the area and environment around us by recognising key features, people and places. Names need to be unique and not duplicated with a different suffix, ie: ABC “Street” and ABC “Road”. If the area has an existing theme, this should be maintained whenever possible.

The current policy criteria for naming roads:

  • a traditional or appropriate Māori name
  • an historical person or event
  • significant geographical or topographical features
  • the personal name of someone who has given special service.

Under the policy review, it is proposed to extend the road naming criteria to include the names of native flora and fauna (plants and animals).

Naming of parks

The Reserves Act 1977 provides a process for the naming of reserves – however, not all spaces operating as parks are classified as reserves for the purposes of the Reserves Act. While the naming or renaming of parks is not a regular occurrence, it generally follows a similar process to road names in finding an appropriate name.

Under the policy review, it is proposed to include the ability to name parks in the Whanganui district.

Naming panel

A naming panel with terms of reference was established by the council in December 2021. The appointment of two community representatives and two representatives from Te Runanga o Tupoho were subsequently endorsed by the council in June 2022. Representatives from other iwi are included when proposals relate to their rohe.   

The panel provides a forum for the community, Iwi and developers to provide feedback on the naming of roads, and has delegation to decide on names for new and previously unformed roads and recommend a new name for an existing road.

Under the policy review, the council is proposing to formally include the naming panel within the policy, with responsibility to:

  • make decisions on new or unformed roads
  • make recommendations to the council on the renaming of existing roads or the naming of parks.

How to make your submission:

  • Complete the online submission form
  • Download a hard-copy submission form – you can either drop it in to council customer services at 101 Guyton Street, or post to: Whanganui District Council, PO Box 637, Whanganui 4541
  • Email your submissions to:

Consultation closes at midnight on Sunday, 10 March 2024.