Whanganui Rural Community Board
The Whanganui Rural Community Board represents and advocates for our rural community.
The board is a body established by statute. It carries out functions, and exercises those powers delegated to it by Whanganui District Council.
Rural Community Grant Fund
The Whanganui Rural Community Board offers support to smaller community-based projects in our rural areas.
The purpose of this seed funding is to enable small and nimble projects to get underway. These activities must show a clear community benefit. Grants of up to $1000 will be considered per project.
The board will consider all applications, but funding decisions will be at the discretion of the board. The board will prefer activities that are family and community focused, encourage local participation and fulfil a demonstrated community need.
Download an application form(PDF, 343KB)
Funding requirements:
- You submit an application form with a brief description of your project. Application forms must be complete.
- Funding will be limited to one application per project per year.
- You indicate how your activity will benefit your community, group or school.
- You provide at least 50% co-funding of the project costs. This may include volunteer and staff time. Volunteer time will be calculated at a rate of $20 per hour.
- If you receive funding, you sign a funding agreement with the Whanganui Rural Community Board.
- At the conclusion of your project or event, you fill out a short project report using the template that we will provide.
Other important information:
- Applications will be considered at the next nearest meeting of the Whanganui Rural Community Board.
- Priority will be given to community organisations, charities, not-for-profit societies, iwi, marae, schools and social enterprises.
- Incomplete, late or non-complying applications will not be considered.
- Funding requests must align with the focus areas in the Whanganui Rural Community Board’s strategic plan, Rural Directions (PDF, 11MB) .
- Full policy details can be found here (PDF, 615KB).
- Funding is available annually. Once the funding pool is exhausted, applications will close for the year.
For more information, please call democracy support officer, Diane Paterson, on 06 349 3152 or email democracy@whanganui.govt.nz
Rural community board members 2022-2025
Whanganui Community Subdivision (two members)
David Wells (board chair)
027 289 5112
Jenny Tamakehu is also a board member, representing the Whanganui community subdivision.
Kai Iwi Community Subdivision (three members)
Michael Dick
06 342 9922
Grant Skilton 
027 245 8067
Brian Doughty
027 485 7903
Kaitoke Community Subdivision (two members)
Bill Ashworth
06 342 7704
Judd Bailey (deputy chair)
027 405 8141