Phase 5 – Rural, Papakainga, Hazards, & Arch​​​aeology Sites​​​

Proposed Plan Change 39 – Archaeological Sites

The Council recently commissioned Archaeology North Ltd to refine information about known archaeological sites in the district. This work is now complete and identifies some new sites. The location of some existing sites has been corrected also, and landowners and iwi were informed by letter in September 2015.

Plan Change 39 includes approximately 1000 archaeological sites in the District Plan and creates Plan provisions to protect these historic heritage items.

There are 159 archaeological sites listed in the District Plan at present. Most of them were added in 1996, along with some significant sites from earlier Plans. Most are NZ Archaeology Association (NZAA) recorded sites; 26 are also registered Historic Places Trust (HPT) sites.


Decisions on submissions were notified on Saturday 4 June 2016. The period for lodging appeals closed on Tuesday 19 July 2016.

Maps amended at hearing

Kaiwhaiki Rural Settlement 2 Mowhanau Rural Settlement 5
Rural 14 B Rural 15 B
Rural 18 B Rural 19 B
Urban 16 B Urban 22

Other Affected Maps

Legend(PDF, 454KB)

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U34(PDF, 807KB)


The hearing of submissions was held on 16 March 2016.

  • Appendix 3 - Chapter 9 for Hearing(PDF, 395KB)  and maps (see Relevant Documents maps below)
  • Appendix 4 - Section 32 Report(PDF, 463KB)
  • Appendix 5 - Current Earthworks Provisions
  • Appendix 6 - Accidental Discovery Provisions
  • Appendix 7 - Recommended minor text and map changes in Section 7.39
  • Appendix K
  • Legend
  • Kaiwhaiki Rural Settlement 2
  • Mowhanau Rural Settlement 5
  • Rural 14 B
  • Rural 15 B
  • Rural 18 B
  • Rural 19 B
  • Urban 16 B
  • Urban 22

Notification documents

Further submissions
Further Submission 1 - Powerco

Summary of Submissions

The Summary of Submissions was publicly notified on 28 November 2015 and the further submission period closed on Wednesday 16 December 2015.


Call for submissions 

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 10 October 2015 and the submission period closed on 11 November 2015.


Legend(PDF, 454KB)

R2(PDF, 184KB)
R4(PDF, 1MB)
R5(PDF, 399KB)
R7(PDF, 633KB)
R8(PDF, 967KB)
R11(PDF, 760KB)
R12(PDF, 713KB)
R13(PDF, 442KB)
R14(PDF, 1MB)
R15(PDF, 1MB)
R17(PDF, 174KB)
R18(PDF, 3MB)
R19(PDF, 2MB)
R20(PDF, 666KB)
R21(PDF, 1MB)
R22(PDF, 511KB)
U1(PDF, 564KB)
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U28(PDF, 744KB)
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U30(PDF, 1MB)
U31(PDF, 1MB)
U32(PDF, 543KB)
U33(PDF, 869KB)
U34(PDF, 807KB)

Plan Change 37 – Papakainga

Complete. Plan Change 37 was made operative on 8 May 2015.



Section 42A Officers Report and Appendices 1-4(PDF, 6MB)

Notification documents

Summary of Submissions 

The deadline for lodging further submissions closed on 9 July 2014.


Please refer to Summary of Submissions (above) for the submission number. 

Call for submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 1 May 2014 and the submission period closed on 4 June 2014. 

Relevant documents

Plan Change 36 – Rural Zones

Complete. Plan Change 36 was made operative on 21 March 2016.



The Statutory Management Committee considered all submissions and evidence presented at a hearing by submitters and the Council's reporting officer on 2 and 3 March 2015.  

Section 42A Officer's Report

  1. Report Discussion Sections 1-6(PDF, 41KB)
  2. Section 7 - Submission Analysis Contents Pages(PDF, 63KB)
  3. Section 7.1 - Support for Rural A Rezoning(PDF, 50KB)
  4. Section 7.2 - Background Research(PDF, 151KB)
  5. Section 7.3 - Regional and National Infrastructure(PDF, 216KB)
  6. Section 7.4 - Rural A Zone - General Opposition(PDF, 151KB)
  7. Section 7.5 - Allow 1 Hectare Lot Subdivision On Sites Already Under 10 Hectare Minimum(PDF, 53KB)
  8. Section 7.6 - Re-zoning of Clarkson Ave - Including Neighbouring Mosston Rd Properties(PDF, 138KB)
  9. Section 7.7 - Proposed Extension to Rural B Zone - Westmere(PDF, 110KB)
  10. Section 7.8 - Rural A - Requests to Re-zone - Papaiti(PDF, 123KB)
  11. Section 7.9 - Site Specific Opposition to Rural A Zoning(PDF, 391KB)


Appendix 7 - Section 32AA Evaluation(PDF, 189KB)

Notification documents

Summary of Submissions

The time for lodging further submissions closed on 25 July 2014.


Please refer to Summary of Submissions for the submission number:

Call for submissions

The Plan change was publicly notified on 1 May 2014 and the submission period closed on 4 June 2014.

Notified maps

Relevant documents

Plan Change 35 – Airport Enterprise Zone and Air Noise Overlays

Complete. Plan Change 35 was made operative on 8 May 2015.



The Statutory Management Committee considered and deliberated on all submissions and further submissions at a hearing held on 4 November 2014, at Whanganui District Council offices.

Notification documents

Summary of Submissions – call for further submissions

Further submissions for Proposed Plan Change 35 – Airport Enterprise Zone and Air Noise Overlays closed on 13 June 2014.  No further submissions were received.


Call for submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 13 March 2014 and the submission period closed on 12 April 2014.

Plan Change 34 - Kai Iwi Coastal Hazard

Complete. Plan Change 34 to be made operative on 8 May 2015.



Section 42A Officers Report and Appendices 1-5(PDF, 7MB)

Notification documents

Summary of Submissions

The time for lodging further submissions closed on 13 June 2014.  No further submissions were received.


Horizons Regional Council (late)(PDF, 2MB)

Call for submissions

The Plan Change was publicly notified on 13 March 2014 and the submission period closed on 12 April 2014.

Appendix 2 - maps

Relevant documents