Community Climate Action Fund

Kids at the wetland

The Community Climate Action Fund provides seed-funding for not-for-profit climate action projects in the Whanganui district. Our aim is to support the community to develop projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or grow our community’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.

Apply now

Projects applying to this fund might:

  • increase the uptake of active transport, such as walking and cycling
  • encourage the efficient use of resources, such as energy, water, waste and materials
  • increase the uptake of renewable energy
  • support a regenerative food system and farming practices that reduce emissions and/or increase resilience
  • enhance ecosystem resilience and nature-based, green infrastructure solutions
  • sequester carbon, such as forest or wetland restoration
  • help us better understand, prepare for, or respond to the environmental, social, cultural or economic impacts of climate change.

Read our guidelines: Applying-for-the-Community-Climate-Action-Fund(PDF, 4MB).

We have another fund available for projects aimed at minimising waste - click on the link to find out more: Waste Minimisation Fund Whanganui District Council

Key dates

3 July 2023 applications open 
18 August 2023 applications close 
Late August 2023 applications reviewed
September 2023 applicants notified of outcome


Email or call the council's climate change advisor, Caroline Arrowsmith, on 06 349 3234 if you would like to discuss your application. 

Second round 2023/2024  
Tarapuruhi Bushy Park: Whakapaia te Ngahere educator/ community relations co-ordinator  $20,000
Woven Rivers Trust: Climate Action as the Learning Environment  $18,500
Heritage Food Crops Research Trust: Growing food resilience and knowledge in the community  $17,500
The ECO School: Whare and Whenua – Housing and Land  $11,500
 A Rocha Aotearoa: Eco church - mobilising church communities to participate in climate action and sustainability  $10,500
 Ngapera Kehu Ahu Whenua Trust: Ngapera Kehu wetland development project  $10,000
 Sustainable Whanganui Trust: Increasing community participation on activities provided by Sustainable Whanganui Trust  $9,000
 House of Science: Climate change science kit for schools  $3,000
First round 2022/2023  
Progress Castlecliff Coast Care: Castlecliff Coastal Restoration Project  $2,800 
Union Boat Club Incorporated: LED Lighting Replacement  $3,500
 Y Central: Camp Raukawa wetlands invasive species removal and flood damage remediation project  $4,000
 Waimarie Operating Trust: Feasibility study into reducing CO2 emissions from the burning of coal on the Paddle Steamer Waimarie $5,500
 The Eco School: Whare, whenua and whanau $13,000
 Heritage Food Crops Research Trust: Growing Food Resilience and Knowledge in the Community $17,550
 Whanganui Kai Trust: Kai Hub: Food System Resilience & Mapping $19,000
 Sustainable Whanganui Trust: Sustainable Whanganui Projects 2023 $19,500
  • Community organisations, Iwi or Hapū groups, schools, early childhood centres, social enterprises and not-for-profit businesses.
  • Applicants must either be a legal entity registered in New Zealand – such as an incorporated society, charitable trust or limited liability company – or an organisation or group without legal entity status that has partnered with an organisation that has legal entity status.
  • Applications led by government organisations will not be considered. However, groups or organisations partnering with government organisations is acceptable.

Each group or organisation can apply for up to $20,000 each year.

The total value of funding available for the council to allocate each financial year is $100,000.

The Community Climate Action Fund can be used for up to 50% of your total proposal cost. In your application, you will need to either show you have 50% of the funding available or identify a funding partner or partners (and include proof of this third party funding).

Your contribution to 50% of the costs may include some in-kind funding (where goods or services other than money are contributed).

The Community Climate Action Fund can be used for:

  • events
  • project or programme costs
  • resources, equipment and materials
  • salaries and wages.  

The Community Climate Action Fund can’t be used for:

  • debt servicing or repayment
  • ·operational or administrative costs for an organisation or group
  • legal and medical expenses
  • activities promoting religious ministry or political purposes and causes
  • activities intended to generate profit
  • public services that are the responsibility of central government (such as core education or primary health care)
  • physical works (such as improving community buildings) where consents or permits are required but have not yet been obtained (grants may be awarded in principle but funds will not be released until all conditions are satisfied)
  • purchasing alcohol.

Whanganui District Council’s climate change advisory group – made up of Tangata Whenua and community representatives, subject matter experts and council staff – will allocate funding. 

The amount allocated will depend on the number of applications received.

Preference will be given to Whanganui-based organisations and projects must take place within the Whanganui district.

When evaluating projects, we look at:

  • how the project empowers the community and supports the district to reduce emissions or build resilience to climate change
  • who the project benefits and how long the benefits will last
  • how ready the project is to deliver
  • how success will be measured and whether there any risks associated with the project
  • what other funding you have in place and whether there any alternative funding options.

See our Applying for the Community Climate Action Fund document for more detail on our criteria.

Successful applicants will need to submit a report no more than one year after receiving funding. The report will need to cover:

  • a description of the project and how the funding was used
  • whether the project went ahead as planned
  • an outline of the positive impacts of the project
  • information on the level of community engagement
  • a summary of how successful the project was
  • a description of any barriers or difficulties
  • a reflection on what you would do differently next time
  • lessons learnt.